Western Engineering & Research Corporation > Services > Buildings & Structural Failures


I want to thank you again for you assistance and excellent report in this matter. I think it helped to settle the case on favorable terms recently during mediation.

Bill S.

Structural Damage Analysis

Structural Damage may occur due to one or more causes.  Concrete slabs, like that shown above, may settle due to several factors such as expansive or collapsing soils, poor or excessive drainage, improper foundation construction or underpinning and slope destabilization.  Contractors may be unfamiliar local or existing codes or soil conditions, and not utilize best practices established for the area where they are doing construction.

Moisture Damage from Leaks and Flooding

Improper construction or conditions within a building could prompt episodic or prolonged moisture entering within the building envelope.  Efforts to seal off buildings for energy savings may give rise to condensation and moisture incursion that is not allowed to dry.  Failure of sump pumps or improper flashing on roofs may introduce moisture that is difficult to find the origin for.  Western Engineering is skilled as ascertaining sources for such moisture.

Structure Failure

The construction process is dynamic, and temporary measures to shore up buildings are often necessary until building completion.  Excessive snow loads or ineffective bracing against winds routinely sustained in a geographic area can prompt catastrophic damage.  Western Engineering will evaluate regional differences in meteorology, soils and local codes to determine the standards of care that should apply to a particular construction project.

Mitigation of Damage

Improper installation can lead to issues such as condensation in windows and other building systems.  This may not only be unsightly, but it can prompt mold growth and poor indoor air quality.  Western Engineering will issue a thorough scientific report with measurements and calculations, making appropriate remedies to continued damage very understandable and therefore easier to accomplish.

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